Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why I Read: Diagnostics Intake Coordinator, Greta D'Agostino

by Greta D'Agostino

“If you remain calm in the midst of great chaos, it is the surest guarantee that it will eventually subside”
In first grade I remember being the only kid in my class that couldn’t tell my left from my right, couldn’t write the entire alphabet and couldn’t read. I even recall my teacher asking me at one point, late in the school year, “What is wrong with your brain?” When I came home from school that day, sobbing yet again, my mom sprung into action.

Within weeks my mom had me independently evaluated; it was the best thing that could have happened for me. The evaluation revealed that I was not only a capable learner, but gifted. My potential was high, if only I was taught in the right way for me, and given some time.

I began private instruction several times a week, which continued for the next few years. The fall of my second grade year brought a new teacher, who was much more patient with me, and was willing to provide some accommodations, despite the fact that I didn’t qualify for any services. She let me take longer to complete the books the class was reading and shortened writing assignments. I started out that year in the lowest reading group, and by the end of second grade I was in one of the middle reading groups.

Third grade became the turning point of my learning life. Mrs. Gardener was my teacher that year, and she reviewed my evaluation, spoke with my past teachers, my private instructor and my parents. She then handed me a book, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, by Julie Andrews Edwards. She told me the woman who played Maria Von Trapp and Mary Poppins had written this book, and that it was mine to keep. She expected me to do all the other reading assignments that my classmates did, but this was my special reading assignment. If it took me all year to read, that was fine, but she wanted me to be able to talk about it with her before the end of the year.

It took me almost two months to read the first two chapters, and then it took me one week to read the rest of the book. I had fallen in love with reading. After that I read everything I could get my hands, and I haven’t stopped since. That copy of The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles still sits on my bookshelf at home, and I reread it once a year. I am eagerly anticipating the day I can hand that book to my own children, whether that be in preschool, first grade, third grade or fifth.

Having teachers, parents and private instructors who helped me to persevere, who advocated for me, and who allowed me to accomplish things in my own time, was the key to reading for me. They unlocked a lifetime passion for learning and discovery. I hope that in some small way, I am helping other children find their keys today.

Greta is a Diagnostics Intake Coordinator at the Stern Center. She handles all inquiries about evaluation services, schedules evaluation appointments and sends evaluation reports. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the Rutgers University. Prior to coming to the Stern Center, she was the Patient Services Coordinator for the Cancer Hope Network in New Jersey.


  1. Very inspiring! Thank you, Greta!
    Also, Julie Andrews' whangdoodle was more peaceful and friendly than Roald Dahl's (from James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), and probably better for a 3rd grader. Your teacher must have been very insightful.

  2. Thank you Shaun! What especially appeals to me about Julie Andrews’ Whangdoodle, is that he can only exist if people believe he exists and are able to tap into their imagination. While our basic existence isn’t dependent on others belief, I see as I get older that our success in fulfilling our dreams is! -Greta
