Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why I Read: Abi, Student Assistant at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library

by Abi, Student Assistant at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Age 16 

Pedro Ribeiro Simoes

As part of an on-going blog series, Why I Read, we are asking people in our Stern Center community why it is that they love reading? How did they get started? Why is it so special to them? This week, we have the story of one of our local public library's student assistants. She talks about why being a reader is important to her and how the library has helped expand her love of books.

Whenever I think of a calm relaxing day, I think of sitting on the beach with a book in my hand. Books tend to be a great temporary escape from any stresses in my life. I read because the action in a story is exciting to me and often gives me a chance to think of what I'd do in similar situations. Whenever I read, I feel at ease. Sitting down to read a book is also scientifically proven to make people more engaged in their life. The National Endowment of the Arts did a study that says that those who are avid readers tend to be engaged in current events.

When I was 14, I was obsessed with reading history books about the civil war (Thank you Mary Downing Hahn), and when I moved to Williston, Vermont I knew I had to check out the local Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. Coming into this library has given me even more variety to my passion for reading, and lets me find a new adventure every time I get a new book. My adoration for reading has inspired me to work at the library which has been an amazing way to always be caught up with the most recent books, and expand the number of books I've read. Books often have morals that can be applied in everyday life, and situations that can occur every day.

The personal growth in someone who reads is both academic and emotional. An avid reader tends to be better able to comprehend words and have a wider vocabulary, as well as have the skills to better interpret and handle situations going on in their life. Now, in 2015, we can read practically everywhere we go, we have books on paper, we have them on our phones, our computers, our kindles, and so many more forms. My love for reading has often increased my grades in school especially when it comes to analyzing literature.

So, why do I love to read? I love the words laced together on a page that somehow can relate to many real problems. I love the quicker, but more in depth, thought process it has given me, and the cozy feeling it gives me to curl up with an adventure of a book.

If you are interested in writing your own piece for Why I Read, please contact Suzanne and she can help get you started.

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